Chattenden Primary School

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

As a school, we fully recognise our responsibilities under the Equalities Act 2010. The vision is supported by robust equality objectives. Children Learn about equality, diversity and inclusion through the curriculum and through regular enrichment opportunities in assembly, educational trips and visitors.


At Chattenden Primary School, we welcome everybody into our community. The staff, governors, pupils and parents work together to make school a happy, welcoming place where all children feel that they belong and can achieve their full potential. We celebrate diversity and promote a positive culture where everyone can thrive and feel proud of who they are. We aim for each child to achieve the greatest possible progress and potential in a caring, supportive and fully inclusive environment. 


As an inclusive community, we are deeply committed to removing the barriers to learning and participation that can hinder or exclude individual pupils, or groups of pupils. Our dedicated  staff team work relentlessly to ensure that all children have the right to a fulfilling learning experience, regardless of their social background, ethnicity, special educational or medical need, disability, gender or religion. 


Everybody at Chattenden Primary School is responsible for equality, diversity and inclusion. Our Equality Policy can be found here.